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What happens next?Caerus Developments and Local Govt Insights would like to thank everyone who has provided their thoughts on the proposals. Comments will be considered for incorporation into the final design with a full planning application forthcoming in the Autumn. Upon application submission, residents will have another opportunity to comment on the final proposals direct to the LB of Redbridge as part of the planning application process.
What were the results from the consultation?Local Govt Insights will be producing a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) that will detail the findings of the consultation process. The SCI will be included in the forthcoming planning application and made available to view on LB of Redbridge’s website once submitted.
What onsite car parking is being proposed?The proposals consulted on were for a “car free” scheme with only disabled parking being provided for. This is to align with London and LB of Redbridge’s planning policies, given the site’s excellent Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL 5). To enforce this commitment, any future residents will be prohibited from applying for a local parking permit by the planning legal s106 agreement and a restriction contained within their lease.
The nursery could generate a lot of traffic, what is being done to reduce this?For the nursery operator, being situated on the High Street and within close proximity to both Wanstead & Snaresbrook tube stations allows parents to integrate their journeys to work or to the High Street, with dropping their children off at the nursery, therefore limiting additional journeys and impact to the local area. They also anticipate the majority of children residing within 1.5 miles of the site and parents therefore favouring walking or cycling. In terms of servicing, all of the nursery’s deliveries are supplied by smaller vans who would utilise the new loading bay on Wanstead High Street. The operator would prevent parents using the loading bay for dropping-off and pick-up by including a clause prohibiting them doing so in their contracts, this would give the nursery the ability to enforce the policy and encourage more sustainable forms of travel. For parents with no option than to drive, they will be directed to publicly accessible parking such as that off of Grove Park.
How many bike spaces are being provided?The proposals presented during the consultation contain 64 bike spaces including spaces for larger “cargo” bikes and split between the residential and nursery use.
How tall is the building?The building is four storeys measuring 14.1 meters in height.
What will it be made of?The proposals utilise brick as the principal construction material with colours reflecting the grey aged tones of Wanstead Place Clinic and the ragstone of Christ Church. Reconstituted stone is also being proposed around key entrances to aid legibility and provide visual interest at ground level. For the roof, powder coated metal sheeting is colour matched to the slate of neighbouring buildings and is more suitable for the complex geometry of the proposed mansard and dormer roofs.
What sustainability features does the building incorporate?The energy strategy for the proposal is being updated following the feedback received during the consultation, however, the future application will focus on the strategic requirements contained in the London Plan and LB of Redbridge’s Local Plan i.e. being a nett Carbon zero building. Likely solutions to achieve this will be a combination of photovoltaic cells, high performing building fabric and energy efficient heating and cooling systems. The final strategy will also take account of economic deliverability to ensure other key matters such as onsite affordable housing are also maximised. Other measures being proposed which may be classed under sustainability (but not energy related) are green/brown roofs to aid water attenuation and encourage wildlife, increase in ecology benefits via the land to be handed back to the public (ecology garden/nature trial is one of the options proposed) and promotion of sustainable transport such as site specific travel plans and cycle parking.
Why another nursery and who will manage it?Our proposed nursery operator, N Family Club, focuses on providing Ofsted Outstanding services and has identified a need for such schooling within the Wanstead area, therefore providing residents choice alongside existing operators.
Does the nursery have its own entrance?Yes. The nursery has its own dedicated entrance off Wanstead High Street to the south of the building. The separate residential entrance is located in the middle of the building, again off Wanstead High Street.
What are the opening hours of the nursery?These are to be confirmed with LB of Redbridge during the planning application, however, it is proposed the nursery will be open between 7am to 7pm, with a standard day being 8am-6pm.
Does the nursery have its own outside space?Yes, the nursery has its own dedicated outside space which will be laid out similar to their other operating nurseries.
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